Each of us is born with unique giftings, preferences and callings. It's time that we stop trying to fit square pegs into round holes. Author Paul Collins states the problem lies not in the fact that hammering the square peg is hard work, but rather that to do so is destroying the peg.
I have worked on all sides of the job placement equation. I have worked as an employer giving people chances to find their unique abilities by working with residents in a long-term care setting, as a job developer and as someone with hearing/cleft palate challenges whose calling and giftings are in the area of public speaking.
This presentation will teach vocational rehab specialists how to help clients discover their giftings/strengths and utilize their own motivations as a catalyst for creating the career they've imagined.
Meet the Presenter:
Carmela Mulroe
Ever since Carmela Mulroe first stepped out solo at 18 months onto the dance floor, she’s found that inspiring and motivating others to live out their potential is her sweet spot. She believes that each of us is born with unique gifts, preferences, and callings. These callings invite us to look beyond our obstacles and focus on the beauty of our potential.
Although born with Treacher Collins syndrome, she has pushed beyond her obstacles to encourage others as an Empowerment leader for older adults, job developer, and inspiring speaker.
You can find Carmela on...
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carmela-mulroe-6ba542a/
Or contact her via email: caringsoul747@gmail.com