WiFAB Training Series

Now that you have fab lab equipment, what do you do with it?
In this Section

WiFab Registration

Currently offering courses at two different locations -- see details below.

Summer Training for FabLab Teachers.

  • Develop a fab lab curriculum.
  • Understand how a fab lab is used to foster multi-disciplinary learning.
  • Use simple problems to teach age-appropriate STEAM concepts.
  • Consider your fab lab setup, training, and operation.
  • Challenge students to identify the problem, imagine solutions, weigh ideas, prototype, and test.
  • Hear how your fab lab can engage with industry and community members.
  • Get a pre-workshop consult to understand your needs and post-workshop support!

WiFAB at UW-Stout

The WiFab 102 workshop at UW-Stout may be taken for college credit. To do so, you must also enroll in EDUC 404-800A. Please contact phamj@uwstout.edu for more information and instructions.

UW-Stout Campus  |  Menomonie, WI

101: Intro to FabLab Equipment | Dates Coming Soon!

Never been in a FabLab, or have limited experience? This 1-day course will introduce you to equipment, and you will complete a project from start to finish!

102: Teaching in a FabLab | Dates Coming Soon!

This course focuses on applied learning within a FabLab. Some prior experience within a FabLab environment is helpful, but not a requirement. This course will run over a 3-day period.


Class is limited 16 registrants - reserve your spot today!

NEW! 103: Develop Curriculum | Dates Coming Soon!

After completing 102: Teaching in a FabLab, this class takes your skills to the next level by creating curriculum that is peer reviewed and ready to implement in your classroom. This course will run over a 3-day period.

Class is limited 12 registrants - reserve your spot today!

WiFAB at Eastern WI Location Coming Soon!

The WiFab 102 workshop at Eastern WI may be taken for college credit. To do so, you must also enroll in EDUC 404-801A. Please contact phamj@uwstout.edu for more information and instructions.

101: Intro to FabLab Equipment | Dates Coming Soon!

Never been in a FabLab, or have limited experience? This 1-day course will introduce you to equipment, and you will complete a project from start to finish!

102: Teaching in a FabLab | Dates Coming Soon!

This course focuses on applied learning within a FabLab. Some prior experience within a FabLab environment is helpful, but not a requirement. This course will run over a 3-day period.

Class is limited 10 registrants - reserve your spot today!

WiFAB Grants & Resources

See how you can improve your Fab Lab and strengthen your students' experiences.
Chris Wiemer
WiFAB Retreat / UW-Stout

"Digital fabrication is wonderful for students to experience at any age. The idea that you can take your abstract thoughts and ideas and make a physical object out of them is very empowering.”  

- Chris Wiemer, Stoughton High School



Mackenzie Bennin WiFAB Retreat
Wisconsin Teachers at the UW-Stout Fab Lab / UW-Stout

"I knew very little about Fab Lab equipment or how to build a curriculum around that. But after this week-long workshop we've had and really diving into it and thinking about it, I feel like I am more prepared as an educator. And that is something I can bring back to my school and share with everybody there."  

- Mackenzie Bennin, Granton Area School District