Teaching and Assessing Writing

EDUC 653 Middle School Through Adult Writing Instruction , EDUC 654 PK Through Elementary Writing Instruction
In this Section

Our online Teaching Writing course will show you ways to improve student writing and engage students in the art of writing well. You will have access to actual student writing samples that you may use for practice.

3 Semester Hours Graduate Credit
Instructor: Renee Williams 


If you need a copy of the syllabus for your employer to approve enrollment in the class, email: Online Professional Development.

Our Teaching Writing course includes how to:

  • Enhance student writing through meaningful assessment
  • Build the reading/writing connection using mentor texts
  • Use digital tools in the writing process
  • Use the writing process with multiple ways to teach
    Organizing and developing a message/drafting
    Revising/changing, rewriting, clarifying, deleting, and regrouping text
    Editing/grammar, punctuation, and spelling corrections
    Preparing product for publication/sharing
  • Develop time-saving assessment and feedback strategies using rubrics
  • Make connections between the Common Core and writing across the curriculum.

We invite you to enroll in our Teaching Writing course to meet your professional development goals if you need a license renewal, graduate credits, or just a refresher course.

This course is an approved elective in the Master of Science in Education online degree program. 

Our students include:

  • ESL/ELL teachers
  • Elementary teachers
  • Middle school and high school English and language arts teachers
  • K-12 teachers interested in writing across the curriculum
  • Special education teachers
  • Technical and community college writing instructors
  • Curriculum coordinators
  • Individuals working with incarcerated youth outside of traditional K-12 education

This course is an approved elective in the Master of Science in Education online degree program.

Expand All Course Descriptions

EDUC 653 Middle School Through Adult Writing Instruction 
Concepts, instructional methods and assessment strategies for improving writing instruction, middle school through post-secondary. Self-assessment strategies, technology and software applications, and writing across the curriculum.

EDUC 654 PK Through Elementary Writing Instruction    
Application of the 6-Traits approach to assessment and instruction of student writing in PK through grade 5. Study of the continuum of primary and elementary language arts skills and writing across the curriculum.

How do I register?

Complete the Online Registration Form.

If you need a copy of the syllabus for your employer to approve enrollment in the class, email: Online Professional Development.

When is the registration deadline?

Reserve your spot now. 

Withdrawal and Refund Policy


An e-textbook is included as part of your course tuition.

Textbook for PK-3 teachers:
Spandel, V. (2011). Creating young writers: Using the six traits to enrich writing process in primary classrooms (3rd ed.) (Creating 6-Trait Revisers and Editors Series), Pearson Education. ISBN: 978-0132685856

Textbook for Grades 4*, 5, Middle School, High School, and Adult Ed teachers:
Spandel, V. (2012). Creating writers: Six traits, process, workshop, and literature (6th ed.). Pearson. ISBN: 978-0132944106

*4th grade teachers, ESL, Special Ed, and teachers working in 'inclusive' classrooms could benefit from using both books.

Our Students Say...

"This course, while helping me improve my writing instruction, also helped me improve my instruction overall." 

"The text was useful and the additional readings helped me think about how to really engage students in the writing process rather than produce lackluster prose because the course demands it. And it's all very applicable to college-level students too!." 

"I have two bachelor degrees under my belt and countless grad classes. This class was the best, most engaging, most educational, most useful, best feedback....just wonderful."

"I think the best thing I could have done for future students was to take this class and refresh my teaching skills."

"This course has reignited the fire for teaching that I once had. "

"Renee is so positive; she opens eyes to different schools of thought and doesn't just give you answers but encourages you to discover the answers on your own. " 

"We had a truly international classroom. Only about half us were teaching in the US. Several were teaching in Department of Defense Schools overseas. We were a good mix of novice and veteran teachers."

No travel to campus - 100% Online
  • Participate 24/7 from your home or work computer during hours that are best for your work and family schedule.
  • The class is highly interactive with a significant discussion component.
  • All discussion postings, projects, and assignments will be submitted via the course discussion board and Dropbox.
  • Activities are conducted according to a schedule with specific due dates each week.
  • There are no required "live" chat sessions.
  • This is not a self-paced class.
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