Student Information

Discover a career path with a job shadow experience during your break!
In this Section

The Job Shadow Program provides you an opportunity to go to an employer site and shadow a professional in a career field of interest or vonnect with an employer virtually. This opportunity will allow you to experience a “day in the life” of a professional as well as a glimpse of daily operations within their organization.


  • Explore a career field and an organization
  • Learn how to apply your academic major to the world of work
  • Assess your "fit" for a specific position, industry and/or organization
  • Make career connections and begin establishing your professional network
  • Learn what skills and qualifications are required for a specific position
  • Learn facts about a company that could be useful in future interviews


  • Job shadow experiences take place between January 14-16, 2025 and/or June 17-19, 2025
  • Job shadow experiences are a ONE DAY (minimum of 6 hours) or a virtual informational experience
  • Date of the shadow experience are determined by the employer. Students will be able to see an approximate time. Employers will send exact times prior to the experience
  • Students visit the job site to observe day-to-day activities of a professional in a career field of interest
  • Employers share knowledge about their professional position and answer questions about their career field and company/organization
  • Students do not receive academic credit or payment for this experience
  • Students are 100% responsible for their own travel arrangements, lodging, and any other expenses

Important Dates

  • November 4, 2024 - Registration Opens
  • November 15 - Registration Closes
  • Week of November 22 - Orientation Sessions/Slides Due
  • December 6 - Job Shadow Acceptance Waiver Due
  • December 13 -Confirmed Matches will be sent to Hosts
  • January 6, 2025 - Schedule/Welcome Email from Host to Student Due
  • January 14, 15, 16 - Job Shadow Dates
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Register for a Job Shadow Experience

Register between November 4-15, 2024.
Register Here
Is this a job?

No, it is not a job. This is a shadowing experience and is designed to explore a career field. Students do not receive academic credit or payment for this experience.

When and how long is the job shadow experience?

Takes place one day, January 14-16, 2025 and June 17-19, 2025. Employers will host a student at their site for one day (minimum 6 hours) or host a virtual experience (minimum 2 hours). Employer host have pre-determined the day and time of the experience.

Who are the employers hosting the job shadow experiences?

Host employers are those who currently engage with UW-Stout, alumni, and companies new to UW-Stout. Employers sign up to be a host for a shadow experience.

Where are the job shadow opportunities located?

A majority are located in the Chippewa Valley and Twin Cities Metro. There may be employers available in other areas as well as virtual opportunities. You will be able to view exact sites when you apply.

Who pays for transportation, lodging, and other expenses?

Students are 100% responsible for all expenses related to their job shadow experience including travel, lodging (if needed), meals, etc.

Who can apply?

All currently enrolled degree seeking students are eligible.

How do I apply for a job shadow experience?

Students will fill out an online application and then be matched with an employer based on the information submitted in the application. Some employers may want to see a resume to determine if the student will be a good fit for the experience. Career Services encourages you to visit the office to polish your resume before applying.

Can I participate in more than one job shadow experience?

Students are welcome to participate in the Job Shadow Program multiple years but will only be matched with one job shadow host per year (one opportunity per session).

How will I be matched with a host employer?

Students will be asked to submit an application. Strength of application will be considered in determining placement. Career Services staff will match students based on career interests, resume, and company preference. Both student and employer will receive placement e-mail confirmation. Hosts will connect with student with details of the job shadow day.

When will I be notified?

Typically, students are notified of a match in early December.

What if I cannot or no longer want to participate?

Once a student is selected, he/she must follow through with their commitment to the job shadowing experience. Students who decline or cancel a matched offer will not be allowed to reapply and will not be rematched to another opportunity during that year's program. Students are expected to abide by UW-Stout's Career Services Recruiting and Engaging with Employer Guidelines and Expectations Agreement.

If an emergency arises and you absolutely cannot participate in the job shadow experience, please email Kristen Goldsmith, or call 715-232-1190. Be sure to contact your hosting employer contact, too.

Tips for having a great job shadow experience:

Before your Job Shadow Experience

  • Review the Student Expectations
  • Complete the Job Shadow Program Canvas Course (link given after registration)
  • Confirm dates, prepare questions, or sign any paperwork required for your job shadow day
  • Understand parking and any directions regarding arrival
  • Understand workplace dress expectations
  • Research host company

During your Job Shadow Experience

  • Arrive on time
  • Be professional – work hard to make a good first impression. You will be representing yourself as a professional, your academic program and UW-Stout.
  • Sign any waivers or paperwork that needs to be filled out prior to participating in the job shadowing
  • Be prepared to answer some questions about your own goals and career path.
  • Be actively engaged and ask questions
  • Take notes
  • Ask for contact information from your hosting employer when you finish your job shadowing experience.

After your Job Shadow Experience

  • Send a thank you note 
  • Complete the Job Shadow Program survey which will be sent to you via e-mail by Career Services
  • Add host employer as a contact on LinkedIn
  • Follow up on occasion - remember that they are now a contact in your professional network!